Height | Time | Age | TTM | Miner | N(tx) | Volume | Fee Rates | Σ Fees | % Full |
1,703,735 | 13:09UTC | 1m | 0:21 | bq1qa…f254 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,734 | 13:08UTC | 1m | 0:22 | bq1qa…f254 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,733 | 13:08UTC | 1m | 0:42 | bq1qa…f254 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,732 | 13:07UTC | 2m | 1:25 | bq1qa…f254 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,731 | 13:06UTC | 3m | 0:21 | bq1qa…f254 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,730 | 13:05UTC | 4m | 0:42 | bq1qa…f254 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,729 | 13:05UTC | 5m | 0:12 | bq1qa…f254 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,728 | 13:05UTC | 5m | 0:57 | qZocj…VoA2 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,727 | 13:04UTC | 6m | 0:58 | qXnEY…dBvJ | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
1,703,726 | 13:03UTC | 7m | 0:22 | bq1qa…f254 | 1 | 12QOGE | 0,0,0 | 12.1094QOGE | 0 |
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